We are pleased to annouce our new design collection, OC- Obi + Canvas Bag. The Casual SlingBag which can used everyday! Only the Front Lid is in Obi and the body of the bag is in canvas which is long lasting and easy to clean.
The design feature or rationale of this handknotted design is to allow you to adjust the length of your carry to either a casual crossbody sling or for a more formal evening setting, you can make it shorter for a shoulder sling.
We have designed some japanese motif for the back of the bag to match the front cover design. Below you will see the photos from prototype process ( Sam is the design mastermind behind all these casual canvas bags! Kudos to him!)
Below are some photos of my test carry to show you the size and proportion of the bags. ( i am quite tall and big, so the bags may look a bit small on me! :D) you may refer to the dimension drawing at the bottom to check the sizes of the bags.
We are not making any more of these red rounded bags because they are too cute for my personal liking and quite small too. If you have young children or teens, this is going to be a great gift for them! we only have 3 prototypes for sale at a very good price! Visit our store today!
Please key in 2020YEARENDSALE during checkout to enjoy 20% off ( Only for OC Collection, Promotion ends 31 December 2020). Free Shipping to Singapore and China for 2 pieces and above. Please select to pay offline via alipay, wechat or paynow/ bank trasnfer, so that your shipping fee can be deducted.
Wishing you all a very Blessed Christmas filled with Love, Joy, Peace and Thanksgiving!
Dont forget the reason we send gifts to each other during Christmas is because we received the most precious gift of Life through Jesus Christ on the First Christmas Day!